International Studies

Degree Type

International studies is an interdisciplinary program with the goal of broadly educating students on international and global affairs. All international studies students complete introductory course work in the social sciences, the humanities, and world languages. Then, each student chooses to pursue upper-level work in either the social sciences or the humanities. The broad training that international studies students receive strongly prepares them for a wide variety of career paths and sparks a lifelong interest in global affairs.

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will be able to analyze historic and contemporary global systems, including their maintenance through human actions and their impacts on societies and individuals. 

  1. Students will be able to formulate and assess strategies to address global challenges that are informed by multiple disciplines. 

  1. Students will be able to situate their own identity in a global context and to compare diverse perspectives on global systems and challenges.

Introductory international social science courses

Six credits from introductory international social science courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Introductory international humanities courses

Six credits from introductory international humanities courses

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

World Languages

12 credits in world languages completed after matriculation (even if the student tests into an upper-
level language) and spread across one or two languages

International students whose native language is not English OR students who are fluent in a language
other than English may substitute for 6 credits of this world language requirement with one course to
enhance English language proficiency (chosen from COMM 206, ENGL 212, 220, 230, 240, THEA 120,
221, or 226) and one course to promote understanding of contemporary American culture (chosen from
ENGL 250, 383, 385, HIST 202, 355, POLS 225, PSYC 250, or THEA 335). The other 6 credits of the
world languages requirement cannot be substituted.

Sub-Total Credits


15 credits in either

  • Track 1: Social Sciences (12 credits chosen from POLS 211, POLS 253, POLS 325, POLS 341, POLS 342, ECON 201, ECON 202, ECON 260, ECON 360, BUSI 308, BUSI 328, BUSI 345, BUSI 371, BUSI 403, PSCH 250, SOCO 210, GENS 202, COMM 345, and COMM 403; 3 credits chosen from either POLS 370 or ECON 222); OR

  • Track 2: Humanities (12 credits chosen from HIST 230, HIST 328, HIST 329, HIST 330, HIST 331, HIST 332, RELS 210, RELS 239, RELS 244, RELS 305, RELS 352, ENGL 200, ENGL 267, ENGL 268, ARBC 320, CHIN 320, FREN 320, FREN 321, FREN 410, GRMN 320, GRMN 321, GRMN 410, JAPN 321, SPAN 320, SPAN 321, and SPAN 410; 3 credits from HIST 377);

Sub-Total Credits


6 additional credits from Track 1, Track 2, INTD 202, INTD 203, INTD 204, INTD 210, INTD 211, INTD 253, INTD 306, INTD 487, INTD 488, OR any additional world language courses;

Sub-Total Credits


INTD 490 and INTD 495

Item #
Sub-Total Credits