Probation and Dismissal

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at Bethany requires that a student be on track to graduate with a cumulative GPA of at least 2 .00, and has achieved at least 67% of attempted credits. A student who falls below a cumulative GPA 2.00 OR has not achieved 67% of attempted credits is subject to the policy as described below in order to achieve SAP:

Academic Warning means that a student has not achieved SAP, in which case the student is required “to get back on track” by the end of the next semester. “To get back on track” means

  • Achieving a GPA that, if maintained or exceeded for all the remaining semesters of the student’s enrollment, would result jkin a cumulative GPA of 2 .00 or above by the end of the student’s undergraduate program, and
  • That at no point has the student achieved less than 67% of attempted credits.

If the student fails “to get back on track” when on Academic Warning, the student will need to submit an Academic Plan to the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) or be dismissed from the College. Once the Academic Plan has been submitted, the student is moved from the Warning status and is placed on Academic Probation.

If the student fails “to get back on track” when on Academic Probation, the student is dismissed, after which time the student can take courses elsewhere. If the student can demonstrate academic success at another institution (including a GPA of at least 2.00 in college credits earned elsewhere), the student may appeal to the ASC to be readmitted to Bethany College. If the student is readmitted to the College, the student should contact the Financial Aid Office regarding financial aid eligibility. Readmitted students will remain on probation until their Bethany transcript reflects the required 2.0 GPA.

Students who believe their grades are a result of unusual or extenuating circumstances may appeal their dismissal to the ASC for review and potential exception to college standards . The ASC’s decision may be appealed to the Provost and Dean of Faculty for a final decision. The procedure and deadlines for appeal are attached to the probation and dismissal letters. Specific policies regarding multiple scenarios may be found in Appendix of Volume VI: Academic Policies posted on the Bethany homepage at:

Students on Academic Probation, including all students who have been Dismissed and successfully appealed that Dismissal (whether by ASC or by the Provost), may not participate in NCAA athletics (official participation, practices, or games), may not hold positions of leadership in student government, Greek life, or student organizations, may not participate in study abroad programs, and may not represent Bethany College in any official capacity until such time as that student demonstrates Satisfactory Academic Progress for at least one complete semester.

Students who are on continuing Probation or who carry a cumulative GPA lower than 2 .00 are never eligible to participate in these activities at Bethany College.

Any student who earns a 0 .00 GPA in a semester in they are enrolled at Bethany College will be dismissed at the conclusion of that semester.