Communications & Media Arts

Degrees and Certificates


COMM 101: Introduction to Communication

This course examines the foundations of communication, including communication between individuals, language, and nonverbal codes and also mass media history and theory, including newspapers, radio, television, and digital media.

COMM 104: Visual Communication

This course promotes understanding of the aesthetic, ethical, and creative principles inherent in visual communication. Films, animation, TV productions, printed and computer graphics, and photography are the sources for the analysis of perception and meaning in the visual image.

COMM 106: Introduction to Sports Communications

This course provides and overview of, and an introduction to, sports communications. Emphases include multimedia sports journalism, media organizations, advertising and marketing firms, and sports leagues and teams. Other topics covered include sports depicted through digital media (including social media and apps), broadcasting, community and public relations, college sports information, along with promotions, and depictions of minorities and women in sports.

COMM 110: Digital Audio Production for Music

This course focuses on hands-on experience in multi-track recording of musical instruments using a digital audio workstation. It also sets the stage for additional work in digital editing, mixing, and mastering techniques. (This course may be taken for credit as MUSI 110.)

COMM 160: Introduction to Film

This is an introduction to the study of film as a cultural and technical artifact and as a form of art. The class teaches students the basic principles of film aesthetics and production to provide the skills necessary to “read” the film as art. The course also places a strong emphasis on the social context of film and the place movies hold in our culture, and introduces the general areas of study within film scholarship. (This course may be taken for credit as ENGL 160.)

COMM 194: Online Radio

This course acquaints students with concepts, skills and strategies required for working within the online digital and terrestrial radio fields. Introduction to on-air music and journalism producing, production, and delivery of news programs and messages.

COMM 200: Digital Media and Digital Culture

This course provides the student with the history, structures, processes, and practices of digital media and examines the effects of technology on American and global culture. Key concepts that are integral to understanding the digital age are examined, as well as the effect of new content distribution venues like iTunes and YouTube. Various areas of digital culture are examined including the Internet, the World Wide Web, virtual community and virtual identity, social networking sites, gaming culture, and mobile technology. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 200.)

COMM 201: Media Writing

Media Writing is an intensive course in the study and practice of writing for the various media, including print, electronic, public relations, graphic design, and advertising. Students explore the ethical and legal concerns of media writing; learn basic writing, editing, and copy formats; learn to select and structure copy; develop information-gathering skills; and examine contemporary issues and concerns facing the media.

COMM 202: Digital Document Design

This course provides students with practical experience using a variety of computer programs designed to create documents for various channels, including both digital and print publication. Students will develop and produce publications, presentations and digital documents that integrate text, art, and various graphic elements.

COMM 203: Principles of Advertising and Public Relations

This course covers the history and principles of advertising and public relations and discusses the different fields of marketing including industry and non-profit work. Advertising and public relations’ relative places in integrated media and marketing plans are also discussed. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 203.)

COMM 205: Principles of Graphic Design

This course introduces basic graphic design principles and their applications. Visual perception, visual illusion, and communication impact are explored through examples and practical exercises.

COMM 206: Public Speaking and Announcing

This course is an introduction to the dynamics of speaking in front of large audiences and also through electronic technologies. The course covers basics of vocal qualities, signals, language, argumentation and elocution for broadcasting of various types.

COMM 210: Editing Mixing, and Mastering Digital Audio for Music

This course is the second in a series that addresses the processes of digital audio production for music. It is designed to focus on the processes of editing, mixing, and mastering digital audio for music. (This course may be taken for credit as MUSI 210.)

COMM 212: Social Media and Digital Marketing

This course will provide a deep dive into Social Media and Marketing communication strategies, best practices, tactics, platforms and media alternatives. Students will be connected with an outside “client” organization. They will conduct secondary and informal primary research, including a social media audit, competitive analysis, and SWOT analysis. Students will then develop and present a social media-driven digital marketing plan to the client. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 212.)

COMM 218: Digital Production and Performance

This course provides the student with basic concepts and practical instruction in digital media production strategies and techniques. Intensive instruction is provided in basic digital audio and video editing with an emphasis on the student achieving an introductory level proficiency. Students are provided a primer on other digital software used for print and radio mediums, which includes limited study of speech personality variables, as well as practice in basic announcing, interviewing, microphone, and camera performance techniques.

COMM 221: Acting for the Camera

This course investigates the basics of on-camera work, including terminology and strategies for enhancing appearance on camera. Students perform scenes and improvisational exercises and may prepare work for telecasting on the Bethany TV station. (This course may be taken for credit as THEA 221.)

COMM 250: Multimedia Sports Production

This course introduces the student to the techniques of production of various sporting events for radio, television, pod-casting, and other converged media platforms. Results of students’ work are broadcast, cablecast, or internet streamed for consumption by the Bethany community and beyond.

COMM 275: Producing the News Magazine

An elective for production students or journalism students interested in working in news media. Students in this class will produce half-hour news magazine programs involving multiple individual pieces of 4-7 minute packages joined together by an anchor.

COMM 291: Tower Promotions and Productions

This course acquaints the student with applied integrated marketing concepts and skills in both traditional and social media, required for working in the integrated media (advertising and public relations) area.

COMM 292: Interactive Multimedia Production

This course acquaints students with concepts, skills and strategies required for working in a digital televised, online, broadcasting areas as well as cross-platform digital production environment, and emerging media production fields.

COMM 300: Entrepreneurial Media

The course will trace the causes and arc of these changes; examine case studies of new-media business and non-profits; bring in guest speakers who exemplify these changes; and provide a primer on the various skills needed to be successful as a journalism entrpreneur. This course also introduces students to the basics of entrepreneurship and evolving business models for media. It blends instruction in general entrepreneurship concepts with how the Internet and digital technologies are transforming media economics, using recent news and communication startups as case studies for applying entrepreneurial principles. Students will identify, develop and pitch ideas for media business; research and write a business case study; and perform skill-building exercises in business analysis and digital technologies. Local entrepreneurs will meet with the class to dicuss strategies and trends.

COMM 303: Organizational Communication

This course is an examination of the principles of communication in an information society, especially in the context of business, service, and media organizations. Major organizational theories are explored from a communication perspective and examined in the context of the roles and skills needed by individuals within organizations. Examples are drawn mainly from media organizations, but the principles are applicable to all types of organizations and individuals. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 303.)

COMM 305: Feature Writing

This course encourages excellence in journalism writing by examining award-winning writing, writing newspaper and magazine features, and critiquing articles.

COMM 306: Communication Theory and Research

This course examines the relationship between communication theories and the research methods used to test them. Emphasis is on understanding theoretical tenets, their connection to the communication process and to modem media, thesis development, and research design. An examination of current communication research is conducted.

COMM 307: Advanced Methods and Application

This is an upper level core course in the communications department required for all majors. In this junior seminar, students will leam how to execute research in the field of communication. They are instmcted on how to specifically use methodological approaches used in a scholarly, scientific, and rigorously academic capacity. Students are shown how to produce an equally comprehensive artifact. It features the application of current principles within: the industry practices of traditional broadcasting, web design, social media research, digital marketing, new media promotions, and advertising and public relations campaigns for completion of a practicum.

COMM 309: Audio Recording Portfolio

Instruction will be provided in live sound applications for music. This includes sound reinforcement, recording of live performances, and the use of pre-recorded or MIDI materials in live performances. (This course may be taken for credit as MUSI 309.)

COMM 310: Digital Reporting

This is a lecture-laboratory course focusing on the complexities and practices of gathering news for traditional media that have or are converting to digital delivery and also emerging digital media. Students are required to gather and report news/ features using the digital technology across multiple platforms of distribution (i.e., radio, television, internet, telephone, etc.).

COMM 311: Communication Law and Ethics

This course is a study of law and ethics as they pertain to emerging and traditional mass media and to related communication enterprises such as advertising and public relations. Legal topics emphasized include the First Amendment, libel and slander, privacy, and prior restraint. Ethics topics include examination and application of ethics theories and practices within the framework of each student becoming an independent moral agent.

COMM 344: Sports Information Directing

This course examines the multi-faceted activities and qualities of sports information directing, also known as sports public relations. Areas covered include image building, determining sports news, understanding various sports and the terminology used in writing sports copy, developing relationships with the media, using statistics in sports writing, understanding the importance of photography, and designing and writing sports media guides.

COMM 345: Intercultural Communication

This course focuses on communication among individuals from divergent cultures. The processes by which perceptions are created, expressed, and influence interpersonal relationships are examined. Emphasis is on identifying and controlling the roles that culture plays within a wide range of communication contexts. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 345.)

COMM 346: Gender Communication

This course introduces the major concepts of communication and gender. Emphasis is on issues of gender in language and nonverbal behavior. Communication and gender in friendships, courtship, marriage, family, education, media, and organizations are considered through the examination of real-life communication situations.

COMM 388: Electronic Media Skills for the Liberal Arts Student

This course is intended for students seeking technical training in electronic media skills for non-professional applications. Students choose from a variety of skills, including mixing and editing audio, making video movies, and creating audio and video resources for World Wide Web sites on the Internet. The on-campus internship course is open to all students. Student will complete internship paperwork monitored by a designated staff member and signed-off on by the department chair of either the Communications and Media Arts Department or the Physical Education and Sport Studies Department for a letter grade. At least 50 hours of crew work from the student is required over a semester (about 10 events). (This course may be taken for credit as PHED 388.)

COMM 390: Campus Media Management

This course assists the student working as a manager for a campus media organization to develop leadership skills under the supervision of the medium’s faculty advisor. Open only to managers of the campus media as determined by the faculty advisors. This course may be repeated once in the same organization and for a maximum of four credits. (This is an activity course with letter grades required for Communication majors and CR/NCR only for others.)

COMM 403: Globalization and International Communication

This course examines the principles, variables, and processes involved in globalization and the international media system as well as varying practices of media production and consumption in other countries. Students will study sample countries and will research economic, political, media and cultural factors as transmitted through the media system of a foreign country. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 403.)

COMM 409: Publications Photography

This course introduces the knowledge and skills needed to produce high quality digital photographic images. Assignments include news, features, sports, portrait, and still-life imaging. Emphasis is on working within strict deadlines and creating images suitable for publication. An additional course fee is required.

COMM 412: Integrated Marketing Communications Campaigns

This course uses the integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach of utilizing appropriate advertising, marketing, personal selling, and public relations principles and practices to develop a strategic communication campaign. Students conduct research, develop goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics for a client. The campaign is presented to the client in written and audio-visual form. The campaign is evaluated. (This course may be taken for credit as BUSI 412.)

COMM 420: Professional Internship

This course is a professionally supervised experience within the communications field. Students will apply content learned in the classroom to professional experiences. Experiences are designed to be similar to those
experienced by new communication professionals. A minimum of 100 hours of experience is required for the two-credit version of this course, and 150 hours minimum is required for the three-credit version.

COMM 422: Digital Service Learning

This course is designed to provide the student with exposure to cutting-edge digital hardware and software applicable to careers in the fast-changing communication field. The student will work off campus, under the supervision of a communication professional, on a service project serving the community. The student will present a portfolio at the conclusion of the experience.

COMM 440: New Media Theory and Practices

As digital media and the internet become more and more common, scholars are examining how people use these technologies and for what purposes. This course will cover the emerging body of theory on new media processes and practices in the information age.

COMM 480: Special Topics

This advanced course is offered periodically to deal in depth with a particular subject or issue relevant to the field of communications, to pursue unique topics of interest to students, or make faculty research available for students as learning exercises.

COMM 490: Senior Project

This course requires a research paper demonstrating the ability to describe, analyze, synthesize, and draw significant conclusions on a contemporary communication issue. Detailed guidelines for the senior project are available from the Communications and Media Arts Program.