Arabic Language & Cultures


ARBC 110 : Arabic Language & Cultures I

This is the first of a sequence of two courses emphasizing the acquisition of Arabic language skills needed to satisfy basic social requirements in Arabic-speaking countries. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing needs are addressed, as well as an introduction to Arabic cultures and issues. Arabic I is intended primarily for students who have no acquaintance with the language.

ARBC 130 : Arabic Language & Cultures III

This is the third of a sequence of three courses emphasizing the acquisition of Arabic language skills needed to satisfy basic social requirements in Arabic-speaking countries. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing needs are addressed, as well as an introduction to Arabic cultures and issues. See ARBC 110.

ARBC 310 : Professional Internship

The Professional Internship in Arabic Language and Cultures is aimed at enriching the student’s experience in practicing and using Arabic in a professional context, either on campus or off campus, in a domestic or international setting, and in face-to-face mode or remotely. The student documents the experience in a manner to be determined by the supervisor. The supervisor determines the student’s required language proficiency for
the experience, supervises the internship, records the number of hours completed by the student, and evaluates the internship documentation. The internship may be repeated for credit. Fifty hours of work is required for each one credit. (This course is a credit/no credit course.)