
Degree Type

Program Goals for Mathematics

In order to provide high caliber instruction in the quantitative element of a liberal arts education, this programs offers majors in mathematics designed:

  • To provide the student with a breadth of knowledge in the discipline of mathematics
  • To provide the tools to assist the further study of mathematics or related disciplines
  • To offer a sufficient depth of knowledge in order to prepare students for research in mathematics or related disciplines
  • To prepare students for careers in education, in business, and in scientific, mathematical, or technical fields
  • To provide a learning community supportive of collaboration in academics, social responsibility, and engaged teaching

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will examine techniques of calculus, linear algebra, and their theoretical foundations by supporting and defending conclusions reached by rigorously analyzing applications to various fields. 
  2. Students will synthesize mathematical techniques across a variety of subfields of mathematics and its applications; including those of discrete mathematics, algebra, probability theory, statistical methods, analysis, geometry, etc.; as well as support mathematical and logical justifications for arguments in disciplines other than mathematics. 
  3. Students will use discipline-specific technological tools to effectively develop and construct mathematical models and to coherently defend and professionally communicate results. 
  4. Students will appraise, critique, and author logical proofs and arguments in the foundational areas of mathematics. 

In addition, each student must complete one of the following tracks:


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